Calories Burned Walking: How many calories does walking for an hour/per hour burn?

Calories Burned Walking: How many calories does walking for an hour/per hour burn?

How Many Calories Do I Burn Walking 1 Hour? Does Regular Walking Make You Weak?

The main cause of diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, cancer, osteoporosis, hypertension and diabetes, which are among the most important health problems all over the world, are sedentary life and unhealthy eating habits.

Almost 23% of the world’s population leads a sedentary life, which ranks fourth among all causes of death. Exercise, especially regular walks, reduces the risk of diseases caused by inactivity or facilitates the treatment of existing diseases. Walking, which is one of the easiest types of exercise that people of all ages can do comfortably, is the most practical way to achieve a quality life standard.

In order for walking to have the desired effects, it is recommended to do it at a moderate pace for an hour, at least 3 or 5 times a week. Although it is an easy form of exercise, it is absolutely necessary to undergo a health check before starting a regular walking program. In addition, it is an important detail to determine the duration and pace of walking according to the health status of the person.

How Many Calories Does 1 Hour Walking Burn?

  • Although walking does not have as much effect as high-intensity aerobics, step, dance and jogging exercises that raise blood pressure, it supports calorie burning.
  • The amount of calories expended while walking increases in direct proportion to the weight. People with a high weight exert a higher amount of effort when moving than people with a normal weight, and therefore consume more calories.
  • In general, in all exercise, overweight people burn much more calories than thin people. The pace of walking also affects the amount of calories burned.
  • Walking at a speed of 3 kilometers per hour is defined as light-paced walking, walking at a speed of 4 kilometers per hour is defined as moderate-paced, and walking at a speed of 5 kilometers or more per hour is defined as fast-paced walking.
  • How many calories does 1 hour of walking burn? For example, a person weighing 54 kilograms burns approximately 256 calories when walking at a normal speed, while people with a weight range of 80-100 kilograms burn 384-512 calories at the same speed and pace.
  • How many calories in 1 hour of brisk walking? A person who weighs 56 pounds burns 240 calories in an hour of brisk walking, while those who weigh 70 kilos burn 300 calories and those who weigh 80 kilos burn about 360 calories. Walking on the treadmill or outdoors also affects the amount of calories expended.
  • How many calories does 1 hour of walking on the treadmill burn? On average, it varies between 280 and 450 calories.

How Much Fat Does 1 Hour Walking Burn?

  • The important point for fat burning is the correct heart rate range. Increasing the normal heart rate by 70% – 85% initiates fat burning. This can be achieved with at least 25 minutes of moderate-paced walking. It takes about 7 calories to burn 1 gram of fat.
  • The amount of calories consumed in 1 hour varies according to the person’s walking pace and weight. For example, with a weight of 70 kilograms and a moderate pace of walking for 1 hour, approximately 250 calories are spent and approximately 28 grams of fat are burned.
  • 350 grams of fat per month can be burned with a moderate-paced walking program for 3 days a week.
    The body stores more fat than carbohydrates and protein. In exercises that raise blood pressure, the body tends to burn fat stores.
  • Carbohydrates and proteins provide short-term energy and prevent long periods of exercise. For this reason, the body breaks down the fats that are suitable for energy use for a long time and enables them to be used during exercise.

How Many Steps Does 1 Hour Walk Take?

  • On average, 1000 steps equals a walking distance of about 800 meters.
  • This distance varies according to the pace of the walk. It is defined as a moderate pace of walking at 100 steps per minute.
  • An average of 6000 steps are taken in 1 hour, that is, 60 minutes of walking. To burn more calories, the pace of walking should be increased.
  • The distance a person walks, his weight, the slope of the road and the pace of walking can affect the amount of steps taken in 1 hour. Experts state that taking 10,000 steps a day is beneficial for health.
  • 10,000 steps are equivalent to walking for 1 hour and 40 minutes on average.
Weight 2.0 mph (casual pace) 3.0 mph (moderate pace) 3.5 mph (brisk pace) 4.0 mph (very brisk pace)
130 lbs 58 cal 97 cal 112 cal 147 cal
155 lbs 70 cal 116 cal 133 cal 175 cal
180 lbs 81 cal 134 cal 155 cal 204 cal
205 lbs 92 cal 153 cal 176 cal 232 cal


Weight 3.5 mph on flat surface 3.5 mph going uphill
130 lbs 112 cal 177 cal
155 lbs 133 cal 211 cal
180 lbs 155 cal 245 cal
205 lbs 176 cal 279 cal


Weight Calories per mile
130 lbs 64 cal
155 lbs 77 cal
180 lbs 89 cal
205 lbs 102 cal


Walking speed 130 lbs 155 lbs 180 lbs 205 lbs
2.0 mph (casual pace) 117 cal 140 cal 163 cal 185 cal
3.0 mph (moderate pace) 194 cal 232 cal 269 cal 306 cal
3.5 (brisk pace) 224 cal 267 cal 310 cal 353 cal
3.5 uphill (hiking) 354 cal 421 cal 489 cal 557 cal

Does Walking 1 Hour Every Day Make You Lose Weight?

  • An hour of walking at a moderate pace on a regular basis burns 250 to 350 calories on average. This means an extra 7500 to 10500 calories per month are spent. 7000 calories spent allows a person to lose one kilo.
  • You can lose 1-1.5 kilograms per month with moderate-paced walking for 1 hour a day. If an adequate and balanced nutrition program is added to the regular walking program, it can be achieved to lose 3-4 kilograms per month. Daily 1 hour walking helps to lose weight by increasing calorie expenditure.
  • How many calories can be burned for 1 hour of moderate pace walking? Depending on the person’s weight and the tendency of the ground, an average of 250 to 400 calories can be burned.

Does 1 Hour Walking or Running Burn More Calories?

  • Running provides a much higher calorie burn than walking in terms of calorie burning and fat burning. However, one must have a very good performance to be able to run for 1 hour.
  • While running, all the muscles of the body are actively working. As with walking, the calories expended during running vary depending on the person’s running speed, body weight, and the slope of the floor.
  • Since an overweight person has a harder contact with the ground, the amount of calories consumed while running is higher than that of a thin person.
  • During walking, an average of 4.5 kilometers per hour is achieved, and in a brisk running program, an average of 8 kilometers per hour is achieved. An individual weighing 70 kilos consumes 580 calories for 1 hour of running, and an individual of 90 kilos consumes 720 calories.
  • These amounts are about 3 times the calories expended in 1 hour of walking.


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