They Can’t Play Monopoly! 8 Interesting Facts About the British Royal Family
We all know how interesting things can get when it comes to the British royal family! ?
When it comes to the British royal family, not a day goes by without us coming across interesting information. ? The British royal family, which continues to exist today, attracts a lot of people’s attention. The reason for this is their strange rules! If you want to learn interesting information about the British royal family, you are in the right place. From playing Monopoly to education life, we have compiled unknown facts about the royal family…
1. They can’t play Monopoly
Although it may sound strange, they are not allowed to play Monopoly in order to maintain family peace. An interview with the Duke of York in 2008 shows that the family avoided playing this game.
2. Kate Middleton is Britain’s first royal bride to have a university degree
Kate Middleton with Prince William in St. He graduated from Andrews University. Similarly, Meghan Markle graduated from Northwestern University. Considering that even Queen Elizabeth did not go to university, these two successful women are the first university graduate brides of the family! ?
3. Before marrying Diana, Prince Charles was dating Diana’s sister Sarah
While he was in his twenties, Prince Charles had a brief affair with Lady Diana’s eldest sister, Sarah Spencer. On this occasion, he met his future wife, Diana.
4. The royal family responds to fan mail one by one
While we can’t say everyone gets a personalized response, the family does respond to fan mail as best they can. Members, who answer approximately 300 fan letters a day, assign various people to do this.
5. Princess Diana was once a teacher
Before she became a princess, Lady Diana was a teacher. In her first job, she was playing with children and working as a nanny for $5 an hour. After meeting the Prince of Wales, she started teaching kindergarten at Young England School.
6. Prince Charles doesn’t squeeze his own toothpaste
Prenses Diana’nın eski yardımcısı Paul Burrell’a göre Galler Prensi kendine özgü bazı kurallara sahip. Her sabah pijamalarının ve ayakkabı bağcıklarının ütülenmesini istiyor, banyo suyunun ise ılık olarak ayarlanmasını talep ediyor. Ek olarak diş macununu da yardımcısının sıkmasını istiyor. Gerçekten ilginç! ?
7. Ailenin erkek üyeleri, doğum konusunda oldukça hassas davranıyor
Prens Philip, 1948 yılında oğlu Prens Charles doğduğunda squash oynuyordu. Bu olaydan itibaren babalar, çocuklarının doğumu konusunda daha hassas davranmaya çalıştılar. Örneğin Prens Charles, Leydi Diana doğum yaparken tüm süreç boyunca onunlaydı. Benzer bir şekilde Prens William da Prens George’un doğumunda eşine eşlik etti.
8. Prens Harry, bir zamanlar kovboyluk yapıyordu
Prens Harry 2003 yılında Eton College’dan mezun oldu ve binicilik tutkusunun peşinden gitmeye karar verdi. Tooloombilla İstasyonu’nda kovboy olarak çalışmaya başladı. Tabii bir süre sonra bu mesleği bıraktı.
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