McCanna Sinise’s cause of death has been revealed!

McCanna Sinise’s cause of death has been revealed!

It was announced that McCanna Sinise, the 33-year-old son of American actor Gary Sinise, who appeared in many films such as Forrest Gump, Apollo 13, The Green Mile and was the star of the TV series CSI: NY, passed away. It was announced that Sinise, who had been struggling with chordoma, a rare type of cancer, died on January 5.

It was announced that Gary Sinise, who had two more daughters with his wife Moira Harris, made music with his son and that they completed recording an album before his death.
“Like every family who experiences such a loss, we are heartbroken and trying to cope as best we can,” said a message shared on the Gary Sinise Foundation’s website. In the foundation’s message, “As parents, it is very difficult to lose a child. My heart goes out to everyone who has experienced a similar loss and to everyone who has lost a loved one. We have all experienced this in one way or another. I have met many families of our fallen heroes over the years. This is a heartbreaking and very difficult situation. Our family’s “His battle with cancer lasted 5 and a half years and became more difficult as time went on. While our hearts ache for his loss, we take comfort in knowing that Mac is no longer struggling, and we are inspired and moved by how he did it.”

The actor revealed that Mac and Moira were both diagnosed with cancer in 2018. It was announced that breast cancer was detected in Moira. It was also announced that Moira was recovering.

It was announced that Sinise had made an album with his son before his death and that this album would be released soon.


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