Ist Alice Weidel homosexuell?

Alice Weidel loves a woman, has children with her and says: “I’m not gay”
Alice Weidel has been living with a woman for 20 years and even started a family with her. But the AFD lesbian politician still wants nothing to do with the term “queer”. Instead, she chooses to complain about gender and the federal government.
Alice Weidel actually lives the epitome of the so-called rainbow family in her private life. The AfD leader has been in a relationship with Swiss producer Sarah Bossard for 20 years. The lesbian couple has two children. But his latest public statements during the ARD summer interview are surprising.
In the online format, a viewer asked “Ask Yourself!” When asked how Weidel dealt with open anti-gay hostility in his party, it was apparently important for him to emphasize: “I’m not gay, but I’m married to a woman.” The woman I’ve known her for 20 years.
AfD politician incited against transgender individuals
Queer is often used as a collective term for sexual orientations that do not fall within the scope of heterosexuality. This includes sexual orientations such as lesbian and gay, as well as gender identities such as trans.
The AfD has repeatedly been noted for homophobic and anti-transgender statements by some members, such as Peter Junker, who agitated against transgender and queer people at the AfD party conference and compared them to pedophiles. Children should be protected from “perversions and abnormalities”. Meanwhile, Junker was charged with sedition.

Lesbian Alice Weidel: “I don’t feel discriminated against”
Alice Weidel does not seem to care about the homophobic and transphobic statements made by her party colleagues. “I don’t feel discriminated against, why would I? In fact, I feel that I am hindered by an absolutely, how to say, almost stupid gender policy of this federal government.” Regarding the newly passed self-determination law, she complained: “This is very bad. Here too the privacy of the family is violated. He was even more upset that one could change gender once a year: “What’s the point of that?”