Celebrities who stay away from plastic surgery: Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts..

Celebrities who stay away from plastic surgery: Angelina Jolie, Julia Roberts..

While there are celebrities who go under the knife to look young and beautiful, there are also those who stay away from operations. Here are world famous names who declared that they are against plastic surgery…

The aesthetic craze is on its way.

Famous male and female celebrities have given up small touches to their faces.

Names that have become unrecognizable from time to time cannot get enough of the operations.

They stand against aesthetics

There are also names that never touch their faces. People who stay away from going under the knife for the sake of beauty say that they are against aesthetics with their statements.

Here are the world famous names who never touch their faces…

Julia Roberts

The actress described it as unlucky that women live in a society where they do not even expect to see them grow old. The actor said, “I want my children to know when I’m angry or happy.”

Emma Thompson

The British actor said, “Why do people cut bodies and put things inside? What are we doing to ourselves? I’m afraid that these practices are shown to young people as something normal.”

Angelina Jolie

Jolie said in an interview that she had never had anything done and never planned to do it.

Kate Winslet

The Oscar-winning actress said about aesthetic practices: “It is completely contrary to my moral values ​​and my perspective on natural beauty.”

julianne moore

The famous actor said, “I don’t want to criticize the people who do it, but I don’t believe in the idea that these practices make people look better.”


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